Mar 19, 2015

A New Series of Talks: "Reconsidering. . . "

I've been involved in so much philosophy-related activity of various sorts lately, that I've not had the time to write here about quite a bit of it, which might lend a mistaken impression of precisely the opposite -- that nothing has been going on! 

Last night, at the Kingston Library, we held the second of a new series of monthly community discussions -- the "Reconsidering . . ." series, this one called "Reconsidering Charlie Hebdo:  Free Speech, Violence and Offense in Context".  So, that means that it has been a month since the first session. "Reconsidering Ferguson:  Racial Politics in Context."

These are much more of a team effort than many of the public lectures, discussions, and workshops that I'm involved in.  Each session so far has been moderated by my wife and partner, Andi Sciacca.  Abdou Gaye and I, as the speakers, confine our two talks to relatively short, thought-provoking, and context-providing presentations -- with the intent to take the issue at hand and contribute some theoretical or historical perspective to it -- each about 15 minutes or so.  The rest of the sessions are all back and forth discussions during which anyone -- and so far everyone -- attending participates.

Here's a video of the first session:

I'm hoping to have video of the second session available in my YouTube channel sometime next week.  We're hoping to hold one of these each month at the historic Kingston Library, usually some weekday evening -- so if you're in the area, feel free to come by, take a seat at the table, and bring your own perspective into the discussions!

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