Apr 9, 2021

Eight Videos On Philosophy As A Way Of Life

This semester, I have been teaching a class at Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design titled "Philosophy, Mindfulness, and Life".  "Mindfulness" in that title has a much more broad scope than just contemporary mindfulness movement teachings and techniques.  The class is actually much more focused on what has come in recent years to be referred to a "Philosophy as a Way of Life".

That formulation is most closely associated with the French 20th century philosopher Pierre Hadot, but as I've discussed elsewhere, it is a way of understanding and doing philosophy that has been around since antiquity and continued on down to the present, developing through a number of traditions and movements (and Hadot would agree with this).

Earlier in the semester, I created eight new core concept videos specifically on Philosophy as a way of life for my students enrolled in that class.  I knew they would also be of interest to a much broader audience, so I'm bringing them all together here in one place.  

Five of them are on chapter 3 of Pierre Hadot's book Philosophy As A Way Of Life, entitled "Spiritual Exercises".  

Three of them are on John Sellars' excellent article, "What Is Philosophy As A Way Of Life".

I hope you find them useful for understanding this way of understanding and engaging in philosophy!

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