Dec 8, 2018

Nine Podcast Episodes on Søren Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling

Earlier this term, I created a set of nine core concept videos on the great early existentialist, Søren Kierkegaard's, work Fear and Trembling.  I then converted all of those videos into podcast episodes, boosting the sound quality.

I provided both the videos and the podcasts to my students in my Foundations of Philosophy class (at Marquette University), and early released them to my Patreon supporters.  Then, episode after episode, video after video, I released them to the general public.

For those who might have missed them, and who would find the podcast episodes useful in studying this important work by Kierkegaard - in which he contrasts the "knight of faith" against the "knight of infinite resignation" and elaborates what he terms a "teleological suspension of the ethical" - I've linked the entire series so far, in order, below. 

Eventually, I plan to return to this book and produce videos and podcast episodes on the remaining portions and concepts from the work I didn't get to this time around. 

For the time being, here are those nine episodes - a bit over two and a half hours of podcast:

To listen to more podcast episodes - so far on Plato, Cicero, and Epictetus (with many other thinkers and works yet to come) - you can go to my Soundcloud channel, or find them on iTunes or GooglePlay.

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