Mar 4, 2019

Update For The Month of March

Every month, going back several years, I create a 10-20 minute long update video in my main YouTube channel for my viewers, listeners, readers, and other fans.  I always start that video out by highlighting three "big things for the month ahead," then discuss what went on, what I did, or what came out in the previous month.  Then, in the longest portion of the video, I discuss my plans for the current month.

Sometimes I succeed in all of those plans, more often I don't, but at least get most of what I set out to do done.  This month, I've got a lot going on - some in-person events, some online events, a lot of writing, and a lot of video production - all before my kids arrive for their Spring Break towards the end of the month.

If you'd like to find out about the three big things, what you might have missed in February, and all the other stuff coming up in March, give this a watch:

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