Nov 5, 2019

Session #16 in Philosophers in the Midst of History Tomorrow!

After we moved back here to Milwaukee, we partnered with several area libraries to provide talk series connected with philosophy.  We're now nearing the end of year 4 in two of those series.  One of them is the monthly Worlds of Speculative Fiction, hosted at the Brookfield Library.  The other is the quarterly Philosophers in the Midst of History, hosted at the Frank Weyenberg Library in Mequon.

In that second series, I discuss an ancient philosopher in the Spring, a medieval philosopher in Summer, an early modern philosopher in Fall, and a late modern philosopher in Winter.  This year, we finish up the year with a talk focused on the French existentialist and feminist author, Simone de Beauvoir.  So if you're in the Greater Milwaukee area, free around 6 PM, and looking for a stimulating discussion, you might want to drop in!

We videorecord all of the talks in the series, so if you've missed the other sessions, and would like to learn about these philosophers, their historical context and background, and how they contributed to history themselves, here are those 15 videos:

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